
Optional feature!

At first, you must add the deafult things to you configuration file like that:

  1. Add the name line 'name:'

  2. Set the offset ' offset: 0.25 (0.25 is changeable value)'

  3. Set the spaces ' space: 0.25 (0.25 is changeable value)'

  4. Add lines ' lines:' ' - 'your line'

The final look in the config:

  offset: 0.25 # height offset
  space: 0.25 # Space value between lines (0.25 by default)
  lines: # name lines
    - ''
    - '&fHey &7%player%&f!'

PlaceholderAPI supported!

If you want to update the lines in your name/hologram just add to the name section this:

  update: 20 # in ticks

Last updated