🛠️config.yml setup

Economy setup

If you want to use included Gold economy, you can edit lot of things! At first you can change main /gold command to your own. Then you can enable/disable any of the commands from the list below. If you want you can change permissions to. Default amount and default tax... - If you will change these values, the new players will get these values after the first join. This new values will not be applyed to old players. All gold messages is in langugage file.

Custom commands setup

Need to set up orders to open trades? Use custom commands!


    name: TEXT
    description: TEXT
      - TEXT
    gui-id: TEXT
    message: true/false

Name Enter the expression you want for your command here. (e.g.: store, shop, etc...)

Description Just command description...

Aliases List of available command aliases. Leave 'aliases: {}' for empty.

Gui-ID Id of the menu you want the player to open after entering the command.

Message Boolean - true/false, Set to true if you want to use open message.

Sales setup

Create discounts on taught products.


    name: TEXT
    type: TEXT
    value: #
      end: TEXT
      - TEXT

Name Name of the sale that will be displayed in the product lore. (e.g.: SUMMER SALE)

Type DIscount type can be PERCENTAGE or AMOUNT

Value Value depends on the type.. If value is 25 and type is Percentage, discount is 25%, but if the vlaue is 25 and type is Amount, is is 25 golds discount.

End (end date) Date, when the sale will automatically end. Format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS

Products List of products. If you want to disable sale for some time use 'products: {}'

Support a Creator

Let the creators on your server create their own code, which they can share among their community and earn a % of every fan who uses their code.

How to ad support a creator head to the menu? Add to the gui map symbol, that you have in config.yml

Code expiration Each time the code is entered, an expiration date is set when the user must reactivate the code. You can change expiration in the config.yml format: time+time+time (10d+5h+5m+6s) code-expiration: 7d

Percentage When a user purchases an item with a code, the owner gets a given percentage of the amount spent.

Last updated